National Advisor Position Description

The NSSLHA National Advisor is a nonvoting member of the National NSSLHA Executive Council, and a member of both the NSSLHA Board of Directors and the ASHA Board of Directors.

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  • Three years, beginning January 1, 2026 (runs concurrently with the NSSLHA National Advisor position on the ASHA Board of Directors).
  • NSSLHA National Advisors may serve only one 3-year term.

Time Commitment

  • As a nonvoting member of the National NSSLHA Executive Council: Approximately 10 hours per week (excluding travel).
  • As a member of the ASHA Board of Directors:
    • Weekly (routine tasks, emails, voting): 2-4 hours
    • Monthly (CBC work/Board of Directors virtual conferencing): 8-10 hours
    • Quarterly (meeting prep and attendance): 4-8 days


The NSSLHA National Advisor must:

    Desired Personal and Professional Characteristics

    The National Advisor must have the ability to . . . 

    • listen, analyze, and think strategically and creatively.
    • work well with people individually and in a group.
    • consider multiple viewpoints about controversial issues, while being sensitive and tolerant.
    • ask questions, take responsibility, be responsive, follow through on given assignments, and evaluate yourself.
    • communicate National NSSLHA's and ASHA's perspectives effectively with members and stakeholders.
    • represent multiple constituencies simultaneously and objectively.
    • prepare for, attend, and participate in board and committee meetings (including conference calls and virtual events), ask questions, take responsibility, follow through on given assignments, and evaluate oneself.
    • facilitate face-to-face discussions through electronic means to audiences of various sizes.
    • be willing to develop certain skills if you don't possess them, such as understanding financial statements, learning more about the substantive program areas of National NSSLHA and ASHA, and using technology tools established by National NSSLHA and ASHA to fulfill the duties and responsibilities of the position.
    • be familiar with certification and current issues in higher education.
    • be honest, sensitive to, and tolerant of differing viewpoints.
    • have a friendly, responsive, and patient approach.
    • maintain community-building skills and personal integrity
    • develop a sense of values and concerns for National NSSLHA's and ASHA's development.

    Primary Responsibilities

    The National Advisor will . . .

    • Attend and participate in all National NSSLHA Executive Council (EC) and ASHA Board of Director (BOD) meetings.
    • Be informed about National NSSLHA's and ASHA’s missions, services, policies, and programs.
    • Assist with National NSSLHA EC and ASHA BOD in carrying out their fiduciary responsibilities.
    • Review agenda and supporting material prior to National NSSLHA EC and ASHA BOD meetings and conference calls.
    • Attend the annual ASHA Convention.
    • Attend annual meetings of both the Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology Advisory Councils.
    • Annually review and vote on the National NSSLHA EC and ASHA BOD budgets.
    • Contribute to a review of the National NSSLHA Senior Director and ASHA Chief Executive Officer.
    • Monitor, review, and negotiate the terms of the NSSLHA-ASHA Operating Agreement.
    • Serve as the National NSSLHA liaison to the ASHA BOD and prepare/present information at ASHA meetings on behalf of National NSSLHA, and vice versa.
    • Serve on the appropriate Speech-Language Pathology or Audiology subcommittees, and serve as a resource on student issues to both.
    • Serve on the National NSSLHA BOD.

    Support from ASHA

    ASHA provides the NSSLHA National Advisor with support in several ways:

    • Financial support for required functions of the office.
    • A stipend to the National Advisor’s institution.
    • Assistance with office expenses, including some limited personnel support.
    • An equipment budget.
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