Applying for EC Positions

Learn more about the following EC positions, which are available for the 2025-2027 term:

  • President-Elect (SLP) 
  • Vice President for Government Affairs and Public Policy
  • Vice President for Planning
  • Vice President for Programming (SLP) 
  • Vice President for Student State Officers (Southern Region) 
  • Vice President for Student State Officers (Central Region) 

Applications are due by 11:59 PM ET, 5/4/25!

Apply Today!

Application Steps

Confirm Your Eligibility

To apply, you must be a National NSSLHA member and a graduate student. You must be enrolled in a graduate program during the full 2-year term of the position you're applying for. Clinical Fellows and undergraduate students are not eligible.

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Submit Your Application.

The application involves 4 short answer questions, a resume, and a letter of reference.

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Applications Reviewed by the National NSSLHA Office

All applications will be reviewed by the National NSSLHA Office to confirm eligibility.

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Applications Reviewed by the Executive Council

The Executive Council will review eligible applications and approve those slated for a position.

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New Executive Council Members Announced

Approved Executive Council members will be notified in June. The NSSLHA National Office will announce the results publicly in July.

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Terms Begin

Executive Council members will start their 2-year term on July 1.

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